Fast and easy data search
Schedule management
Automatic data backup
Movement detection and sensor activation
Supports RS-232/422/485 for Pan/Tilt/Zoom (optional)
Automatic system restoration on power failure
Sound recording and support for two-way voice communication
1 TV-Out port (single channel switching view only)
Various modes of multi-view Screen (1, 4, 6, 9, 16, Multi-view screen)
E-mail Event Alert, IP Address Dispatch (for use with dynamic IP)
Control of multi-systems from a remote location (DVR-Net)
Support for Internet Explorer ActiveX remote monitoring, Android and iPhone
2 Yrs. Limited Manufacturer Warranty
Storage of High Quality Image Data
Using proprietary MPEG-4 Codec, a technology developed by our company, you can compress real-time image quickly without the noise and screen distortion.
Automatically recording upon detecting of moving image
By the motion detection and the sensor trigger, the moving image can be recorded automatically.
All Protech DVRs come with two channels of audio recording. Platinum DVRs have the same number of audio channels as video channels.
Example 16 ch Platinum series DVRs have 16 channels for Video as well as 16 Audio channels for recording.
Two way communication
Two ways of communication between DVR main and Remote PC is possible.
Various Modes of Multi-view Screen (1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 16, 32 Multi-view Screen)
Customize your monitor to get the most comfortable view that fits your needs.
Control of Camera Pan/Tilt
By having direct access to the pan/tilt control unit of each camera, you can control each one to your specific needs, not to mention the Zoom/Focus controls.
Image Color Control
Control the color of the image, make it brighter or darker for example, and create the view that fits your needs.
Surveillance of Connected Networks
When DiViS-Net or Web makes a connection, the program records its IP address to make identification possible.
Enlargement of Camera Views
Just double-click on the screen to make a specific camera screen larger, and even fill the whole screen.
Display of Current Camera Status, Storage Status
Image icons display when a camera malfunctions, and storage status can be checked real-time accurately.
Control of the Relay Outputs
Relay outputs can be set to activate automatically when an event occurs, and it can also be activated by the controller at desired times.
Auto notification upon emergency
On the event of occurrence, detected by sensor and motion detection, you can send this message by mail or by notification to the manager.
Emergency Recording
All of a sudden, you've encountered some event to be recorded definitely though it has been not recording as pre-schedule. You can record it by pressing this emergency recording button.
Quickly Search the Desired Data
Only a few mouse clicks are what you need to find your data.
Sound Search
If the image and sound data, recorded, are present, when you search the image data you can get sound search as well.
Smart Search
Sometimes it may be difficult to search something in the huge amount of recorded data files. At this moment, you can converge these data by sorting with a few of parameter. The parameter includes date, time, camera, motion rate.
Various Modes of Multi-view Screen (1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 16 Multi-view Screen)
Search through various camera views at the same time, and compare the various recorded image of a certain time period.
Easy Search Controls
The numerous control options (forward/backward play, play by image, go to beginning/end, play speed control) make searching easier.
Improve Image Quality
You can enlarge, clarify, etc., to improve the quality of any part of any image of your choice.
Print Out Images, Create Image Files and Store as AVI Files
You can separately store and print out any image, and store data as AVI files, a convenient option to use when you need to extract a certain time period for reports.
Image Watermark
All image are watermarked, to prevent editing on another image editing software.
Safe Filing System 
Choose the driver to store and manage your database to safely file all your data.
Basic System Settings
Options for allowing network access, start-up screen, sound recording, log print, Watchdog, event alert through E-mail, and much more can be set to your choice.
Basic Camera Settings
The name, Pan/Tilt, Pre/Post alarm recording option, recording modes, transmission modes, picture quality when storing/transmitting image, size of stored image, security of image, frames of stored image, and much more can be set for each camera.
Schedule Management
Choose the specific days of the week, the time periods for recording, and choose from various recording modes (full-time, sensor activation, motion detection, sensor activation&motion detection, normal&event) to customize your working environment.
Color & Motion Detection Settings
Control the color ratios of the stored image. Also, control the sensitivity of motion detection, and even choose to detect from a specific part of the image.
Sensor Settings
Choose the type of sensor to use, and choose the camera that will activate with each one.
Management Control
Create as many management IDs as you require, and control the power each ID will have, to make collateral management easy.
Automatic Backup feature
Protech DVRs can be configured to perform automatic/instantaneous backups your video database. This is accomplished by first configuring additional storage to archive the video, whether it is internal or external hard drives, USB or network drives. Then, a backup schedule is developed. You can schedule back ups to happen automatically at any time or day you specify, You can back up all cameras or select specific cameras for back up. The backup storage needed is based on your DVRs recording partion size. If your DVR was configured with a 500Gb hard drive for video recording you will need 500Gb backup hard drive.
Common Applications
Automated Security Surveillance
Uses for automatic security surveillance (banks, buildings, factories, warehouses, apartments, parking lots, etc.)
Management and Surveillance of Trespassers
Uses for places with needs of management and surveillance of large crowds of people (hotels, casinos, department stores, large supermarkets, etc.)
Management and Surveillance of Branch Stores
Uses for needs of management and surveillance of each branch store from a remote location. (chain stores, agencies, etc.)
Advertisement Possibilities for Companies and Private Schools
Uses for advertisement or educational needs of Companies and Private Schools using real-time camera image on the internet. (companies, schools, private schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions, etc.)