Application Example for Video Servers
- National Parks
There are numerous National parks around the world. There is a growing
interest to show travelers, with their own eyes, the park's status.
Example: The climate at the park, is it
raining or snowing heavily? The plant condition, are the flowers
blooming, are leaves changing colors? This motivates travelers to plan
their trips without concern as to what may lay ahead. Furthermore, by installing
a web camera on
the entrance/exit of the Park, it will be evident at a glance, what
the traffic conditions are. By knowing what the traffic is, the
traveler can work around the traffic and therefore avoid any excess
inconvenience or hassle.
With a Video Server, travelers may now attain first- hand
information, which will capture the hearts of the travelers.
- Airports
Before going aboard a plane, people can view real-time images of the weather,
relevant temperatures and airport and airline status. This
information will be easily displayed
on a web-page can ease the minds of travelers.
- Radio Station
Radio audiences may not be satisfied by only listening to a radio broadcast.
With today's world of MTV and music videos, viewing the broadcasting station DJ and browsing the program
information is now essential. Installing a network video
camera, enables interaction between DJ's and their audiences.
The network camera
enables audiences to see the radio guest during a live interview and
also see the staff hard at work. Radio stations are no longer something
simply pleasing to listen to, but also serve as video entertainment.
- Experimentation
Surely, everyone has seen the national geographic channel. Keeping
records on animal and plant ecology is undoubtedly a
difficult task, surrounded by hidden challenges.
The video monitoring system not only is danger-free, but also can
record any
event in its entirety, with flawless detail, while saving time and
money. Therefore, by installing a video monitoring system people may easily
record and observe animal or plant ecology, all seasons around the
- Schools Pre-Schools and Kindergarten
Concerned about what goes on in your young child's classroom? Maybe installing a video
server and cameras in the class-room will provide security and
comfort for parents, faculty and students. The server and
cameras will provide invaluable information as to the security of your
child, and whether your child is dropped off and picked
up on time and by the assigned relative or friend? Also, the cameras
can capture how your child is interacting with the other students and
teacher. So, you don't have to wait until parent/teacher
conferences to find out what is going on with your child at school.
Perhaps a teacher knowing that he/she and the lesson can be viewed by
the parents may affect how he/she acts towards your child and what that
teacher is teaching your child. Applying real-time image network,
will address patents concerns simultaneously permitting the parents to
get involved in their children's School. After installing Video Server, parents can view their child's learning
environment, while at home, at work or anywhere via internet. The
pre-school/kindergarten may charge fees according to
browsing time and frequency of the internet.
- School
Schools are large, open environments. Maintaining complete campus safety
can’t be done by only with roving security guards. However, with the assistance of a SecurityCameraWorld.com Video Server, video monitoring system
can record images and supply a 24 Hour, full-time security environment.
Schools can protect their students and and the campus itself.
School administration can thwart any illegal activity from potentially
taking place at their school and therefore maintaining a safe learning
environment. By installing the video
system at school, parents can be confident that their children are
safe, and potential parents, able to view via the internet the goings on
of the school and all school facilities, will be attracted to the school
which offers this necessary luxury.
- Real
time traffic condition
Worried about traffic jams? On the network real-time image display, at
a quick glance, the traffic condition is clear. With knowledge of
the traffic situation, within seconds, one can determine the best
traveling route to avoid traffic and get to your destination on time. The traffic unit may apply the video monitoring system to relieve the
traffic flow rate. Mounting a video server
on every route way/highway, allows drivers to see the traffic flow rate
on each road intersection, something unique to a video server.
- Landscape
Famous scenic spots with ever changing seasons of beautiful scenery,
rare animals and birds at zoo with marvelous postures, is shown lively
on the network real-time image display. Providing not only abundant
content, but sharing at the same time with the whole world. Installing
video server on scenic spots, to enable tourists to view the
scenic spot and also the weather on internet, to decide on their trip.
- Meteorology
Can you imagine the inconvenient lifestyle of having to live at an
altitude of some thousands of meters above the ground to conduct
meteorological observation? Notwithstanding the the great variations of the
weather, the stresses of this lifestyle isn’t something easy to
fathom. A video monitoring system, unaffected by hot or cold
temperatures and other unknown variables, which can observe and record
vital statistics is essential.
Surely, it will provide invaluable assistance to the weather observer.
Unless you have a situation which can only be handled by a live
person, all observational matters can be efficiently handled entirely by
a the video server. No
- Zoo
It is obvious that the penguin and koala bear are now two of the most
popular animals in Taiwan. The TV and media, attracting much attention
and lures streams of people, but in this prosper 21 century, the
benefit of real-time network image broadcast can’t be disregarded.
Except for 24H full-time continuous image transfer, it may also
attract non-local tourist, enables work staff to observe the
activities and physical conditions of the animals.
- Internet
Look around you, many new internet coffee shops and other
get-together places are emerging. Unless the coffee shop
proprietor spends excessive monies to attract patrons, one new shop
blends into the rest. However, installing a video system in the shop could be a
inexpensive and innovative way to attract new customers. It
allows a person to view the inside design, popularity and goings-on of
the shop even before stepping one foot into the shop. This unique
way of self-advertisement is a great and cheap way to beat out
control of residential community and office buildings
Mastering real-time status and the safety within the parking lot,
community household, office buildings, restricted areas, police
station or any other possible area are feasible. The system provides
browsing authority and restrictions of remote control function.
Installing YOKO’s video server provides mutual monitoring and safety
of the community.
- Home for the aged
Choosing a home for the aged is a difficult task. Now and then,
the news broadcasts abuse of the elderly at a specific long-term care
facility. However, this only happens in the saddest cases.
Because the elderly are sometimes unable to communicate, without
cameras, abuse and neglect often times goes undetected until it is too
late. By installing a video server, a
concerned family member of a potential resident can view treatment and
care of the elderly residents. Undoubtedly, a family member who
can have peace of mind, by being able to view the home of their aged
mother or father, will choose the long-term care facility that is not
afraid to have their environment reviewed. The system allows the
nursing care administration to monitor their employees and staff and
deter abusive and neglectful treatment of the residents. So, it is
a win-win situation. The family members have peace of mind and the
the long-term care facility can provide good care while attracting
residents. The long-term care facility with nothing to hide can
only benefit from providing this special feature to the residents'
families. The facility may charge the
family according to the browsing frequency and time; however, this is
a insignificant amount to pay to ensure the security of your loved ones..
- Supervision
of public construction
Accepting supervision is the significance of democratic political
affairs. Large-scale of government public constructions should apply
real-time network image broadcast, allowing the public to be informed
at all times, the construction progress. Still more, the daily record
should be arranged into data, free for search on internet to the
Even though the factory buildings are scattered nation-wide or even
transnational, through remote control networking system - mastering
the conditions of the factory buildings saves time, money and toil of
having to personally be at that location. Installing YOKO’s video
server and camera on the construction site or plant to enable the
manager to master live broadcast conditions; the enterprise owner may
have real-time production line monitoring, warehouse security
monitoring and through the phone line for optimum management
efficiency. Thus, saves expense on business trips and enhance efficacy
the new management concept.
- Network
broadcasting of grand meeting and activities
Exhibitions, Athletic meetings, awarding ceremony and so on? are
simply aimed to attract steams of people to participate and by
real-time network broadcasting, people around the world may be
informed. Also those who are not able to personally be at the scene,
won’t miss out on anything. In Regards to the exhibition, it will
attract more steams of people to the exhibition.
- Security
Combination is made simple with security and monitoring system.
Enhances security function; storage and searching of digital images
are obvious and best for future follow-up evidence.
- Internet chat
Internet chat room invites famous people as special guests, web
friends may view real-time images of the special guest, become closer
with the guest and thus eliminates the anxiety of the special guest.
- Remote
control of unmanned control room
Integration with security sensor equipment enables sensor control to
switch on images and return messages of scattered faraway control
rooms. Thus saves considerable manpower!
- Internet sick room
Hospital usually isolates the
intensive care room, to prevent rest disturbance of the patients. By
applying internet humanity service, thus prevents toil and relieves
anxiety to the patients family and friends.
- Internet
infant nursing room
Families don’t have to be limited by the hospital visiting time and
are able to see their child anytime on the website; without disturbing
the hospital nursing the child. Now all relatives from nation-wide may
share and cherish the joy of the newborn child.
- Shopping mall
By installing video server to stores, shopping mall,
workroom, shopping center, and so on convenience the owner of the
business of not having to personally be at the shop; but able to
master the conditions of 24H monitoring. Thus, prevents unworthy
people engaged in illegal behavior, reduce of public hazard, maintain
customers and safety of personnel safety.
- Transnational
Perfect handling of the company operation and establishing branch
companies are something that a business owner would be glad to see. To
understand the operating condition, one often has to perform
inspection personally; thus adds cost of traveling to and fro. One is
often unable to account for overall situations on every branch
companies. By installing video server on each branch company
enables account to overall situations, unless necessary one don’t
always have to be at the site personally and is clear to the project
process of every company.
- Construction
Providing the construction business and buyer effective monitoring on
the construction status and progress. Prevent lack of monitoring
personnel, save expenses on business trips and at the same time
achieve security, relieve and real-time control.
- Family
Nanny abusing the infant, caretaker abducting the elderly, intruder in
the house, home security, etc. No matter what the danger may be or
even out on holiday trips, by installing Video Server and
camera; enables real-time monitoring of the nanny taking care of the
child; caretaker taking care of the elderly, home security, etc.
- Chain
Due to numerous convenience chain stores, the administrator may not
always have overall monitoring control over the merchandise and
warehouse temperature. Video Server enables remote control
monitoring and temperature adjustment; it can clearly capture the
appearance of the burglar and prevent risks on burglary, unlikely with
general surveillance equipment.
- Environmental protection
Remote control monitoring on waste liquid and the handling of the
system operation, through temperature and humidity response, by
transferring notification of urgent matters to relevant personnel.
- Amusement park
A dishonored rumor is regarded as a great setback to the amusement
park. Therefore, the best method to prevent such happenings is most
probably by applying real-time broadcasting. Thus, the visitors may go
on-line and view the facilities, environment, etc. and make decisions
without being influenced by the rumor.
- Bank
Video Server enables administrator 24H full-time security
monitoring and prevents personnel from making a lifetime mistake, due
to obsession and greed over money. It may also be used as bandit
prevention; perfect quality picture recording and police reference
- Museum
Antiques are usually exhibited in Museums and with Video
Server, it enables people around the world to appreciate the antique
without personally having to be at the location. It attracts steams of
people during the exhibition time and assists the administrator by
real-time monitoring, thus prevent unnecessary happenings.
- Medical treatment
Taking care of a patient is no doubt an obligation of doctors and
nurses, but weary and ineffective mind results on negative effect and
draws upon unnecessary dispute. By installing a video monitoring
system in the sickroom, assists hospital personnel in allowing 24H
monitoring of patient conditions. The patient families may thus have
full understanding on the caring condition of the patient, through
real-time video monitoring, anytime and anywhere.
- Hotel and restaurants
Touring is regarded as absolute relaxation and enjoyment to a tourist.
Therefore, a wise choice may prevent an unpleasant stay caused by
unsuited food or hotel environment. By installing
Server and camera, customers may monitor online, the environment
atmosphere, hotel decoration, location, service and more much
information. It also acts as a great propaganda to the hotel.